Our Spring/Summer sale is March 1, 2025!
Register to sell or volunteer at www.myconsignmentmanager.com/mother2mothersale
consignment sale
mother to mother
fall/winter sale
spring/summer sale
gently used
Click here to register or log-in to tag items
Our Sale is an excellent opportunity to earn some extra cash for yourself, while eliminating the clutter of unused children’s items from your home! You do not have to be present for the sale: price and tag your items, bring them to check-in with your signed consignor agreement and a self-addressed stamped envelope and we will take care of the rest.
You will receive a check for 70% of the selling price, minus the $7.00 registration fee shortly after the sale. If the 70% of your items sold is $10.00 or less, the $7.00 registration fee may be waived.
Items will sell at full price from 8:00 am to 10:30 am. We close our doors from 10:30 am to 11 am to prepare for the second part of our sale. If you have chosen to sell your items at a discount, they will be sold at half price from 11 am to noon. Items not designated to sell at a discount will remain available at full price.
Unsold items may be picked up from 2:00 - 2:30 pm on the day of the sale, or they can be donated to a local charity for you. All of this is explained in detail under tagging instructions. Please read the tagging procedure VERY carefully. Your items may be rejected if they are not properly tagged.
To be a consignor, register with My Consignment Manager. The process is quick and easy. Just follow the prompts. Once registered, you can volunteer, schedule your check-in time, and enter your items to create tags.
Registration deadline is Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 8pm.